Gregory Michalec
Counter of beans and personal finance nerd.
Sporatic blogger and wannabe author.
Board game enthusiast.
Electronic music tinkerer.
Creation savorer.
Family devotee.
Rescued Skeptic.

In 2010, despite a fresh new accounting degree and student loans to match, I was much more interested in the creative world of writing and photo, video, and music editors than the structured world of accounting ledgers. Now, though, I’m very grateful where my “day job” has landed. I’m currently an Accounting Controller and I enjoy the work very much.
My wonderful wife and I have three boys under the age of six. We enjoy (nearly) every moment with them and have committed as best we can to make every day a day of intentionality.
I enjoy meeting with others to help with personal finance or health insurance coverage, and I enjoy building over-the-top spreadsheet models for our family’s finances. I share some of these thoughts at Gain to Give.
In this era of political and religious polarization, I relish any opportunity to have a rational, substantial, honest conversation regardless of the topic.
Most importantly, I’m a Rescued Skeptic – a renewed and refreshed follower of Jesus despite years of disinterest. Ask me about it someday!
These are things I like to think about, write about, talk about, or spend time doing.
Personal Finance
I’m persuaded by Biblical and Christian personal finance philosophies on giving and being radically generous. I also have appreciated authors like John Bogle, Dave Ramsey, Thomas Stanley, and Warren Buffet. I’ve built many (many) financial models over the years to plan our family’s finances. And I’m not entirely opposed to crypto.
Personal Finance
I’m persuaded by Biblical and Christian personal finance philosophies on giving and being radically generous. I also have appreciated authors like John Bogle, Dave Ramsey, Thomas Stanley, and Warren Buffet. I’ve built many (many) financial models over the years to plan our family’s finances. And I’m not entirely opposed to crypto.
Personal Health Coverage
Our family has used employer-subsidized plans, the marketplace, and health care sharing programs like Medishare over the years. I enjoy helping people think through their options to make the best decision for them. Health Coverage can seem overwhelming, but there are opportunities if initiative is taken. Usually.
Personal Finance
I’m persuaded by Biblical and Christian personal finance philosophies on giving and being radically generous. I also have appreciated authors like John Bogle, Dave Ramsey, Thomas Stanley, and Warren Buffet. I’ve built many (many) financial models over the years to plan our family’s finances. And I’m not entirely opposed to crypto.
Music Production
Years ago I actively produced music under several different artist names, most recently as Sole Signal. I released two electronic albums that are still available and enjoyed doing work for corporate clients like Nike and Red Bull, or NCAA Division I teams like the University of Virginia. Now I mainly prevent my boys from hitting each other with the drum sticks.

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.
Email: gregory (dot) michalec1 (at)